Yannick Collé

Yannick Collé


I am a carrier of haemophilia A; my father is affected by haemophilia. I didn’t know when I became pregnant that I was a carrier. The knowledge about that 30 years ago was very limited. We discovered the illness of my son after an accident when he was 18 months old. It was a very difficult period, stress in emergency moments. During a long period, I had to cope with different feelings: isolation, guilt, tiredness, anger. My situation as a woman with bleeding disorders wasn’t recognised during a long period and I occurred my symptoms: bleeding after tooth extraction, nosebleeds, heavy menstrual bleeding. Each time, the same answer, it’s impossible, a girl, a woman doesn’t bleed, only men are affected by haemophilia. I became older, things have been normalized by my contraception treatment. By ageing, problems came back. I stopped hormonal contraception because I decided to have a tubal ligation, and heavy bleedings came back. They became worse because of fibroids. I went to the gynaecologist and he decided to do a hysterectomy. I must advocate a lot to access analysis before this surgery. I decided on my own to go to the HTC and ask the haematologist. At 46 years old, the diagnosis was done, as a carrier of haemophilia A, I have a low level of factor 8, I have only 30%, that explained why I had so many bleeding troubles for years. I am affected by mild haemophilia. I need treatment in case of an accident, a surgery. Now it’s recognised, 1/3 of carriers of haemophilia A or B have bleeding episodes. They are mild haemophiliacs.

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